My name is…

Mo Isu
4 min readOct 21, 2018

Isu. You probably know me from the future or the past depending on when you were or will be first acquainted with my stuff. Welcome to an update of sort.

Life Update

I just moved back in with my parents. Also I am a writer. This is a blog post.

What do I write about?

Majorly? Nothing. I spend a much larger chunk of my time not writing. I find that this is true for most writers. They dedicate way more time not doing the thing they claim to be doers of. This is oddly enough what makes them so good at writing and probably what makes them enjoy it. See there, I just speculated with confidence, shows that I am a true child of the internet. I don’t know what makes other writers good at writing. I sort of am not entirely sure what good writing is.

How do I get writing done?

The same way I get through life. The thing about the existence I am living is that it’s mostly filled with ordinary and unexciting moments. Forgettable stories. During these part of life where I am not making awesome things, I am probably also going through what I think experts call imposter syndrome. Only I feel like I am a scam in just the way I breathe. This imposter feeling and living takes up about 70% of my life. Of the other 30%, I spend half of it sleeping, eating and thinking of eating. What is left I use it to do a list of things like pretend to be doing artificial intelligence, write code, design or think about designs, creative directions for friends (mostly just talking and sharing my amateur ideas), podcast production, reading, learning a new skill but not getting super awesome at it and yes writing which is what I am doing right now… Sort of.

What do I write?

Primarily, I started out wanting to be a story writer. My first blog was mostly fictional stuff. It still here at this link. My favourite thing from it is probably Her Eyes (click this link instead). Outside that most of my writing happens here. I have four publications:

Why is y: The idea behind starting this was to write articles about factual stuff that I found interesting. ”Pretending to be smart” is the tagline. To know what this is supposed to look like check out waitbutwhy (My actual favourite blog on the internet). I haven’t really updated as much as I want to but now that I live with my parents (You know being fulltime unemployed and what not) I think (read as hope) I will be giving that a switch up.

Tik Tak: This one was started on a New Year resolution last year and it’s for technical articles about building for the web (being a frontend developer and what not). Not exactly sure what new direction it will take, good chance is I will start writing technical articles again but less restricted to FE dev probably more of A.I if that dream gets going.

Isu Reviews Stuff: Are you really an intellectual if you don’t judge something you have little knowledge about while sounding smug at the same time? That’s what I do here. I talk about things and give them subjective rating based on my biases (both intentional and unconscious). It’s awesome I tell you. The main topics are books and movies.

Isu Writes Stories: Another pretty self-explanatory title. The thing about this publication is that it won’t be an actual reflection of how much of my writing time I actually dedicate to writing stories for two reasons: my stories are often longer than medium appropriate length and I am trying to get published (for recognition and maybe money, money would be nice). Which brings me to

“if you are an avid reader and you don’t mind reading crap and talking passionately about said crap to make it less crappy please dm me on twitter @jayhem2isu

much appreciated.

How will I end this article?

Before I do that, I also have one more blog called which I believe started as me trying to write essays about stuff I noticed. I am not sure if I should bring it to medium but give it a read and tell me what you think in the comment section.

Now the end. This article, I realise now, is essentially just me plugging my writing because I need the attention of readers to keep writing (no I don’t *insert nervous laugh*). I am sort of mixed between being an extreme sharer and a reluctant one. Writing things like this is me being an extreme sharer. You will find that in between my more organised posts are random ramblings about my life much like this one.



Mo Isu

Writing what I can| Being Vulnerable and confused| Making podcasts