2024: Standing StillOn my last night in Lomé, I went out for dinner with Ilhem. We sat at a French restaurant near her beautiful home — ate little plates of…Jan 43Jan 43
The Middle of a RunToday, a romantic relationship appeals to me with the chance to get rid of this feeling I have.Sep 28, 20242Sep 28, 20242
Run, AgainThis entire week, I have nursed the fear that this might be the end.Mar 3, 20245Mar 3, 20245
2023: I hope it lastsApril felt so vulnerable. I put in my notice in November ‘22 and a conversation with my boss greeted that. We sat down at a lounge in Yaba…Dec 27, 20236Dec 27, 20236
WalkingWhen in November 2017 I was trying to learn how to be single again, trying to get over a relationship; I was actually hoping to recover…Aug 4, 20237Aug 4, 20237
DistanceOn the way to the train station, I practised my new relationship status- I had a girlfriend. We met on bumble three months earlier. It was…Jun 9, 202317Jun 9, 202317
Ceci n’est pas un souvenirThis essay was in its first form, a letter to a friendMar 4, 20233Mar 4, 20233